Ontario Taxation Act, 2007, s. 103.0.3
This refundable tax credit is for the 2021 tax year only and was introduced by the Ontario 2020 Budget.
The intention of the credit is to support seniors who stay in their homes, by providing a tax credit for renovations or improvements that make their homes safer and more accessible.
Qualifying Expenditures
Expenses which are paid, or become payable, in 2021 will be eligible, to the extent that they are for renovations that improve safety and accessibility or enable a senior to be more functional or more mobile at home.
A qualifying expenditure is deemed to have been paid on the earlier of the date on which the expenditure was paid and the date it became payable. Thus, if the amount became payable in 2020 but is not paid until 2021, it will not qualify.
Certain expenditures are not qualifying expenditures, such as
Tax Credit
The credit can be claimed if the improvement was made to the senior's principal residence or to a residence reasonably expected to become the principal residence of the senior within the 24 months after the end of 2021.
The credit could also be claimed for an individual's share of improvements done by a condominium corporation or similar body, to property that includes the senior's principal residence, provided the improvement meets the eligibility conditions.
Revised: November 11, 2020
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